Thursday, April 05, 2007

Is This Normal?

I looked out the window and what did I see?
A lizard snapping another lizard in our little dead tree.

Yesterday I was showing Drew the neighbor's dog and saw these 2 lizards snapping at each-other. I thought they were flirting at first and maybe it was part of their mating ritual. But um ya I don't think this is mating. I don't know maybe it was? The mama grasshopper gets killed after she's done mating or laying eggs or something (learned that from "The Cosby Show") so maybe...? But we went outside and I watched them for awhile. They were like this for 10 minutes and then somehow that poor lizard got free and they were both going up and down 2 different branches. So at least he survived!


Becky said...

that is weird. :p

KatieJ said...

That is so funny- impressive picture! We have a peacock in the neighborhood- I'm trying to get a picture of it for you...

sara said...

I can't believe you got that picture! It's very cool looking!