Thursday, June 07, 2007

Justin's Babies

Every day Justin comes home from work... we all get a kiss and the garden gets a water.

Knowing that we all get a kiss is the most public affection you'll ever get from me.

Owen looks so very attractive because he's in the process of spitting while pulling my pants down. And the littlest one is crying cause he just got sprayed with water.

But the garden is coming... finally! Justin had to replant the corn 3 times cause those pesky varmints (squirrels) kept eating the sprouts as soon as they'd pop up.

They ate my parsley too as seen below by it's grave marker. At least the tomatoes are doing good. Owen felt the need to pick one green one, so hopefully he can resist the rest.


Becky said...

WOW! that is so impressive! i want a garden!

Sarah's Nonsense said...

Gotta' love a garden. I've been a bit less than successful myself. But I continue to try again every now and then. Someday I'll get it right!

sara said...

i LOVE the garden! There is nothing like fresh veggies and fruit! I'm so glad i'm back so I can look at your blog! :)

KatieJ said...

That's awesome- a garden is on my to do list for next year- at least some tomaotes to start! Those are some great pictures!

Anonymous said...

Your garden is beautiful! Are there ears of corn on your corn stalks? Do you get many weeds? How did you get rid of the varmints?

We have a 12-in watermelon! We brought home 3 zuccini from the Tates. The birds are eating all their tomatoes but my net seems to be doing the job on my two tomato plants. We are getting beautiful tomatoes.