Saturday, June 13, 2009


Wait, I aleady know.

This is the new artwork in our kitchen door frame...
a man with a pincher.


Joanna & Ben said...

That's awesome. We have similar artwork around our house, except it's usually in the form of firetrucks...wonder who could have done that??

Nichole said...

that is funny.i am glad we are not the only ones with sighned art work around the house. ours is on the bed frames or if they get creative..(wait sneaky) under the bed on the wall were we cant see unless we move the bed to rearange the room......

Steph said...

Hopefully one of those Magic Erasers will do the job :) My question to you is: HOW ARE YOU STILL POSTING ON THE ROAD?!

Anonymous said...

I bet it was hard to punish your kid for writing "xo" on your wall. lol. Too cute!

Sara Hollobaugh said...

I dont look forward to those days. I am quite picky about stuff like that!

McDonald Army Brats*** said...

ha Travis drew a pretty good spider on the banister. I flinch everytime I see it :)