Friday, May 06, 2016

Baptism Visitors

My parents came for a week to be here for Sally's baptism.
They got here after a pit stop in Visalia to visit Brenda and Carl,
whose new house is on a walnut farm.
Fresh walnuts are so much better than store bought ones.

A tree swing was Auggie's request of my dad.

He has been on it every single day since.

My mom is always a saint to do crafts with Sally.
She earned this butterfly pillow kit by memorizing the 10th Article of Faith.

Thursday, while the older kids were in school, we headed south to our favorite places.
Bixby Bridge above.

Garrapata below
(home of the famous Calla Lilly Canyon)

Carmel River flowing into the ocean.

The calla lilies are those little white specks in the background.

The view of the lilies from the road.
Those stairs to the right are the ones featured in the picture above of my dad and Auggie.

We stopped at Point Lobos on our way home.

The highlight there was seeing all these baby sea lions in China Cove.
A couple are nursing in this picture.

Fred and Alyce got here Friday and treated us to In n Out (brand new to Monterey).

Then we picked up Payten, who flew in by herself for Sally's baptism.
Sally was in Heaven with her here.


The whole crew walked down the street Saturday morning for the Good Old Days parade.

Somehow giant stuffed animals were deemed parade worthy.

We walked down to the street fair afterwards for the usual rides, games, and blow-up plastic bats.

Didn't get a picture of it, but Drew and I did a scary ride and he thought he was going to die.

Owen had a baseball game afterwards that went LONG.
It was such a good game though and a bummer we barely lost.

The game ended just in time to rush home and get ready for Sally's baptism.

Post-baptism family dinner at Dicky's BBQ.
Said good-bye to Fred, Alyce, and Payten that night
since their flight left super early the next morning.

Sunday after church, we did 17 Mile Drive on Pebble Beach.
Auggie checked out the Lone Cypress.

My parents are now serving as caretakers at Camp Lomia in AZ for the next 2 years.
So happy we got a full week with them before they left.
Whenever they're here, everything gets done and life is so much less stressful.
Not sure if I'll ever not cry when they leave.

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