Sunday, June 17, 2007

My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad

He has lots of great fatherly qualities but I would like to show off just a few of his inventions today. Basically, he can make something out of ANYTHING.

(I stole some of these pictures off my sister Rachel's blog so if you've peeked over there before, sorry about the repeat)

Derek on the upside-down bike

Rachel on the snow scooter

His most recent, a tent on top of his Jeep for camping.
He usually sleeps up there in the open air, but the tent is in case of rain.
Better hope there's not wind AND rain or you're in trouble!

"Grandpa's Train" (my favorite)
He has since added another extension so it will seat even more kiddies.
Max, Bob, Janna

It also hooks to a regular trike if the kids want to do the driving.

In the last year my dad thought up the idea to wrap burritos in foil and leave them on the engine of his Jeep to heat up. He does this on little road-trips or camp-outs to avoid having to stop for food. I was dying the other day at this: He was having problems with his Jeep so he and neighbor Keith were looking to see what was wrong. He lifts the hood and sees 3 burritos on the engine! That wasn't what was wrong, but it was just funny that he forgot about them and who knows how long they were there (he thinks 3 weeks).

Oh and he helped me make the pipe chimes from a couple posts ago :)

Being a good dad by being a good grandpa: Feeding a 6-month old chocolate granola bar :) Hey it made a fussy baby happy!

Happy Father's Day, Dad!
Love you!

And GOOD NEWS for us! Justin doesn't have to work today after all! So we get to celebrate Father's Day TWICE. Which is much better than celebrating not at all. Justin loves Owen & Drew so much. And they love him right back (evidenced by Drew saying "da" way more than "mama" and both of them running for the door as soon as they hear the garage door go up.) We love you!

This picture is from last September up in Raleigh.

Here is Owen's blessing day... the day we came home from the hospital with him. We were lucky to be able to do it at my parents house that day cause Justin had to leave the next day for combat training. Justin is a 1-day old Father in this picture and was SO happy to be a dad and so sad to leave. This is every single person that participated in the blessing. I'm just looking at all the awesome fathers in this picture and am thankful for all of you! We're proud that Owen has Justin's dad's name for his middle name (James) and Drew's middle nams is Alan after my dad.
Publish PostBishop Sherwood, Jared (Karen's husband), Paul (Justin's brother), Dad, Justin w/Owen, (Justin's dad), Linus (Justin's brother), my Grandpa Lunt, Jay (Tami's husband), my Grandpa Martindale


SO glad families are forever :)


McDonald Army Brats*** said...

Okay that is so strange that, this picture of the blessing looks like it could have been taking in my mom's house in Mesa. Exact same layout. Wow!

Shane Meredith Mason and Kendall said...

wow, creative dad! How fun! And i loved looking at the picture of Bishop Sherwood, what a great guy and so sad.(remember we were in your ward for about 8 mo.)

Becky said...

What a cute CUTE tribute! Your Dad is so cute! i love how creative and FUN he is! Happy Fathers Day! PS. that is weird...that picture does look like my parents house that they had in mesa! :)

KatieJ said...

Awe, I love "Alan Here"! I always remember him saying something about his "thermometer" once. That was funny.

KatieJ said...

PS- His inventions are awesome! And that is a great picture of Justin with the boys at the temple.

sara said...

your dad is AMAZING! I love your posts! :) This is a great one!