Tuesday, April 17, 2007

For My Birthday

Dear Justin,

You always do great with gifts but just in case you're feeling a little stumped, here are a few ideas:

A new family portrait.
You might need to fly Kip here.

These swimsuits:

A shopping spree and makeover in Raleigh.
Or I could dress really bad for 2 weeks and you could get me on What Not To Wear.

New glasses.
These are 7-8 years old. It's time.

A new kitchen trash can.
Preferably one that has a lid. And one that Drew can't knock over.

The Method Omop

The above two items may seem unexciting birthday gifts. Not so.

A new purse.
Preferably a fun color like yellow or green.
No more black.
Items that must be able to fit in my new bag: diapers, 1-2 sippy cups, snacks, a couple small toys, sunglasses, cell phone, keys, pen, checkbook, and a million dollars (please include all those things in the new bag).

Dinner at Bamboo Club.
Looks like you can send me to Arizona, Florida, or Michigan for that.

A pink CHI flat iron.

That should do it. It should only cost about $1,008,750.00. I realize your birthday is this Saturday. I'll spend at LEAST that much on you I promise...that XBOX 360 you've been wanting, a new suit, a new laptop and MAC computer... just for starters.



sara said...

you are too cute. great b-day wish list. Loved reading it!

(sorry if I sent a million comments last time!)...I am slow.

KatieJ said...

just for a second I almost had a heart attack thinking I'd somehow missed your birthday! I hope you do get all those things- where are those swim suits from? They are way cute. I need the industrial strength ones from Lands End though.

KatieJ said...

I also wanted to comment on the glasses- are they missing an arm? (or whatever that thing is called...) you can re-attach it with a safety pin and it looks really awesome- I did that for a few years. :)

McDonald Army Brats*** said...

do you know how fun you are! once again I can't say it enough. i wish we lived closer! I am coming out to see you once your hubby leaves! promise this time! happy birthday on saturday justin!

McDonald Army Brats*** said...

sooo love your bday list. love the swimsuits, going to check them out right now. never heard of the imop thing. I got the hoover floor mate, not sure i am way impressed with it. maybe my boys are just abnormally messy, because it doesn't always clean up everything they spill. love the pink chi too!

Becky said...

You are too funny! :) love the wish list! good ideas on there! Thanks! when is justin's birthday? what you doing for him? any fun plans?

Ginger John said...

once again you are hilarious. love your list. I am tempted to buy that pink chi flat iron everytime I go into to Tantrum.