Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Last Day of School


Every morning, Drew gets halfway down the street before Auggie yells for him to come back for knuckles (followed by, "lalalalala" a la Big Hero 6).

Auggie and I went down for the last hour of school. Watched Owen and the other 5th graders play the faculty in softball. The 3rd and 4th graders also got to watch, so we got to see Drew and friends.

Owen got caught in a pickle that went back and forth probably 10 times before he finally got safely to second base.

 Owen and his teacher, Mrs. Sanchez.

 Drew with Ms. McCarty.

Sally's class got to spend their last hour in the pixie path making fairy houses.

We just bought one yearbook for the kids to share. I sent it with Owen to be signed since he was the graduating 5th grader. So many kids wrote, "HAGS" in it, which apparently is the acronym for, "Have a great summer." And I'm an old lady for not knowing that. Anyway, Sally was sad she didn't get yearbook privileges, so she found a signable shirt.

Sally with Mrs. Sweeney.

Some years our teachers are better than others, but even the not so great ones are saints for doing what they do. I could never.

We love the kids' school and are crossing our fingers we're able to make it work to stay here one more year. And then one more. And maybe one or two more after that.


The Watkins said...

Ruby came home today from school with HAGS in her yearbook. What? How does that get around? Sally looks like she grew up all of a sudden in that cute picture of her next to her fairy house.

Rachel said...

Did you HAGS?