Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Auggie & Me

Bike ride to Coastguard Pier to see (and smell) the sea lions.

Another bike ride, this time to the aquarium.
Took the long route around Asilomar.
Then begged Justin to pick us up so I wouldn't have to go up the huge hill.

Using day-old bread that was donated to our church (that we can never use fast enough) to feed the ducks.
Also, trying hard not to feed the annoying and aggressive seagulls.

Tried a new (and now favorite) bike route to Seal Rock on Pebble Beach.

A pre-nap visit to the butterfly sanctuary.

Like father, like son.
(went back to the sanctuary w/Justin's parents, who were visiting)

So basically what I'm trying to say is that August and I don't mind when the kids are at school.
The alone time is good for both of us.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

The picture of August stacking rocks on that beach is so gorgeous. I'm jealous that you have bike weather all year and pretty things to look at, instead of just houses.