Monday, June 04, 2012

A Tall One

Somehow 5'3" me and 5'8" Justin produced a kid (Sally) in the 75th percentile for height.
Drew is baffled by it, too.

 They are 1 day less than 2 years apart and I've been asked more than once if they're twins.
(Drew is 25th percentile)

PS It took an ice cream bribe to get them to pose for pictures.


stephanie said...

They are both so good looking. Seriously, that Sally is a stunner.

Rachel said...

P.s. I love Drew's cut-offs so much. And Sally Belle is gorgeous. Can I skype her tomorrah? :)

Lindsey said...

Yes, that Sally Belly is a model in the making. Lovin her outfit and all those cute pics. They could almost be twinners except for the fact that one is 101% Martinelli and the other is 102% Holloballa.

Torgersons said...

Well somehow 5'8" me and 6'2" Dan made a boy in the 5-10th %ile for height and weight. Genetics make no sense.

Evaly said...

I think the pics were definitely worth an ice cream- so cute! So sorry to hear about your step-grandma.

Jaime said...

I wonder if she'll be tall when she's older? Maybe just took after the post man. (: They are both so very cute. You make cute kids!

brentanderrin said...

haha!!! love it... all of it... them, the fact that you had to bribe them! that they are almost the same height, that they could be twins... her cuffed pants... i could go on forever!!