Friday, April 30, 2010

The Last Leg

Between Tami's 8 and my 3 we took over the McDonald's playground in Wilcox.

Tami was nice and met us there on our way from Mesa to El Paso.

She was REALLY nice and brought brownies, balloons, and snacks for the drive (for my birthday).

It was fun for the kids to play together...they were so happy!

And I was happy I got to see all my available siblings on this little journey (Brent missed out in Afghanistan).

PS Tami is a good hugger. I am not.

The little pit stop made it so I didn't get to El Paso until like 1AM but it was worth it. That was the halfway point where we spent the night.

Did I mention I was doing this leg of the journey SOLO? My mom was planning to come but I waited too long to book a return flight and it would've been $450. No thank you.

She felt bad so she and my dad thought of everything possible to make it bearable for us...hence the car-seat tray.

She bought shower hooks and stuck em to the windows so each kid their own water bottle and bag that I refilled with snacks and dollar store toys when necessary.

Next time, though we will for sure be safety pinning blankets to car seats and creating a shoe bag. Crazy how shoes were always lost in such a small space!

It went waaaay better than I thought it would.

But it's rough playing "I Spy" on the freeways of Texas. We could choose between:
the sky/clouds
semi trucks
and wild flowers and oil rigs if we were lucky.

If our Texas route had a perfume it would smell like tar, oil, and gasoline. Yes I had a lot of driving time on my hands to think up these things.

We got to San Angelo on Justin's birthday.

So for his birthday he got us!

And his Chili's chocolate lava cake.


Dasha said...

Bless you, bless you for doing that trip solo. Having driven it I completely sympathize for you. The shower hook thing is a pretty good idea. We have travel trays that have a cup holder. Now that the two older are in boosters, they an reach that stuff, but it sure helps for the younger.

Jaime said...

You are so brave to drive that alone! Scary if you ask me!! You have some great ideas for traveling with kids though. I will have to remember them. I'm so glad that its behind you and you're there.

Billy and Cassie plus4 said...

Glad you made it to TX safe Shauna, and you are a brave brave woman do that drive by your self with three small children. Happy late birthday to you and Justin!!

Steph said...

AW! I'll bet that was the best gift ever, for him! And maybe Tami could give you some hug-tutorials?! YOu know, step 1 - advance toward your target. Step 2 - make eye contact (or not). Step 3 - try not to think that hugging is weird, but totally normal and good...and sometimes tear-inducing....even BETTER! :) ha!

You know I love you.