Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Sound of Silence

This is Drew's "smile" this morning...his first day of preschool.

Owen told him he could make friends by making funny faces. He's off to a good start w/the faces.

Drew did just as I thought he would: walked right in, sat down, didn't even say bye.

He has been so excited.

When I registered him he was so sad he couldn't stay and said, "Mom can I just sit down and learn?"

And me...I get SIX hours of one child per week. I don't even know what to do with myself. Sally's nap is during that time, too so my house is the quietest it's been in a long time. It's so nice.


Jaime said...

wow--my kids first day of school is tomorrow--so looking forward to it. I hear some moms lament that school is starting too soon. I guess they are just better than me because I'm so excited to have my house back!

star said...

Wow Drew! Wow you! I bet it's a nice change to have just Sally. Call me up if you want to get together.

Dasha said...

wow, that would be nice. enjoy it for me too, because i'm homeschooling this year. it's going to be quite the adventure i'm sure.

Ashley said...

Tyler and Raquel start next week. Tyler is doing Preschool and Raquel is just doing day care. It is a spanish one so that is why we are starting Raquel. I am so sad and put them both on the 3 day track so I can handle it. They grow up so fast. Drew is so cute.

Steph said...

LOL, Porter and I couldn't quit laughing at his "smile"!!! Good for you...and for silence!

Karen Burr said...

I am peeing my pants laughing so hard at Drew's smile!

Rachel said...

haha i agree with karen! this picture is amazing! haha owen has some good advice

Sara Hollobaugh said...

Love his face. What a good big brother to give hime such great advice!