Thursday, March 26, 2009


Whaaat? A real life yellow brick road?!
You know Drew was in Heaven.

K this property is owned by a family in our ward and it's amazing.


I'll have my own custom path made in a mountain.

That has this amazing view.
Not Sally & me...the background.

And I'll have a huge 2-apartment ranch for parties and guests.
Hey I'd even settle and use the ranch for myself.

Not that that's settling at ALL.

Well if I had to take care of the horses that'd be a problem.

Oh, that's what ranch hands are for.


Now I can keep dreaming...


KatieJ said...

Sam will be your ranch hand if you let us live there for free- that place looks awesome!

Steph said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cool!!! Looks like it turned out to be a beautiful day! Did you stay a while?

Aric and Sally said...

We'd be glad to stay with you - anytime. It would be a great place for Easter dinner!
Oh, and your spring break is looking pretty fun. Enough to make me jealous (we woke up to snow this morning).

Sara Hollobaugh said...

Wow, that would be fabulous to live there. At least we can dream!