Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Me, Me, Me all the Way Home

Sis-in-law Bethany w/husband Nate holding newborn Owen, November 2003

That is to satisfy the 4th picture from 4th folder tag from Joanna

Then there's the
6 non-important things/habits/quirks about myself tag from Katie

1. My left eye is far-sighted and my right eye is near-sighted. I got glasses in 5th grade when my right eye was still perfect. So I had one clear lens and one coke-bottle lens with one extremely magnified eye.

2. I used to be in love with David Copperfield. My favorite was the special where he walked through the Great Wall in China. Grandma Martindale recorded it (in those VHS days) and I got so excited every time Axel F came on during his levitating lady act . I wanted to be his levitating lady. Justin & I saw his show a few years ago in AZ but the magic was gone.

3. I hate tweezing my eyebrows (but I don't have a choice).

4. I was the primary pianist at church when I was 11 years old. I'm happy to do the same thing now. Can I tell you how well I played during the program? What you didn't notice? That means I didn't mess up (k maybe a couple times) and I wasn't too loud. Just have to pat myself on the back because you don't know how hard it was fighting the urge to just pound out those songs.

5. I love a good pirate joke.

6. I tried to be a vegetarian once but I just couldn't resist the beef jerky everyone was eating at Lake Powell.

And last...
The one about us from Elizabeth
(I made it the one-word answer you might have to fill in some blanks)

What's your husband's name? Justin
How long have you guys been married? 8
How long did you date? 6
How old is he? 30
Who eats more sweets? Justin
Who said I love you first? Justin
Who is taller? Justin
Who is the better singer? Justin
Who is smarter? Tie
Who does the laundry? Me
Who pays the bills? Me
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Justin
Who mows the lawn? Justin
Who cooks dinner? Me
Who drives? Justin
Who is the first to say they are wrong? Justin
Who kissed who first? Justin
Who asked out who first? Justin
Who wears the pants? Me


KatieJ said...

Good job taking care of 3 tags at once! That is so funny that beef jerky is the thing that took you from vegetarianism!

Lindsay Riggs said...

Way to go on all three tags at once!

ann said...

I tried to be a vegetarian too, but I could never give up bacon!

I have no idea how the tagging thing works, but I did it.

Aric and Sally said...

You gave up the vegetarian thing for dried meat? I'm thinking it wasn't meant to be.