Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Up Close

These are my teeth.

See that dark circle at the root of the last one?

That's an infection where the nerve has died.

That's where I got Part 1 of my root canal this morning.

I just want some sympathy.

Because after the root canal is done, I still need:
2 replacement fillings
2 new fillings
1 night guard (I grind my teeth, front teeth are starting to chip)

I was the FIRST patient my orthodontist ever put braces on (family friend).
It was special...back in the day before rubber o's.
And because he was the first I got to have a roomful of people observing him/me.

Another Aside
I actually had braces twice.

Then a permanent retainer on the bottom...

And my teeth STILL shifted even w/the retainer in.

I. hate. my. teeth.


Krissie said...

I am so sorry about the teeth. I do sympathize with you!

Sarah said...

That sucked. What did you do with your kids? I will help you anytime just let me know. Now I know why you asked if I ever had braces, I had no idea you were such an expert on teeth. Lol.

ann said...

Wow, that is enough dental work for three people! SAD! Have you thought about yanking them all out and getting dentures?

Everton Family said...

I've always thought you had such beautiful white teeth and a darling smile. At least all that work has paid off to look good! What a pain though...I'm sorry!

Steph said...

You poor thing!!!! I don't know how you do it! Hey, I had two sets of braces also. weird. Were we twins around 5th grade er what! Ever have a bianater (not even sure if that's how it's spelled)....permanent retainer? why don't they take it out if it's not doing it's job!

Aric and Sally said...

My deepest, heartfelt sympathies go out to you (I ought to write for hallmark). Seriously though, dental work is the worst.

Nichole said...

man i feel for you. I have to go in for two root canals and about a million fillings, I TOO HATE MY TEETH....

Sara Hollobaugh said...

DITTO! That is exactly how I feel about my teeth. It is not fair!!!!I hope like you do that out children get the Hollobaugh teeth!!!!!!

Da Ilaoa's said...

I honestly always thought you had a pretty smile with straight teeth...I don't understand all these teeth problems you are having. I'm seriously NOT mocking you. I am sorry you are going through it, I remember my mom locking her room and turning all the lights off and we were not allowed to go back when she had a root canal.

KatieJ said...

That is horrible, I'm so sorry! I won't tell you how long it's been since I went to the dentist- I'm afraid now, I'll probably need a couple of those root canals.