Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hot Lunch (A Long Story)

Every morning in kindergarten Owen's teacher takes roll and asks each child if they are having hot lunch (buying) or cold lunch (brought their own).

If they say hot lunch they hand her their money.

Every morning we pack Owen a cold lunch.

Owen knows this.

This last week Owen's cold lunch has been untouched. I figured he was full from snack or too distracted and wanted to play - he's never been a big eater, plus he would eat the whole lunch as soon as we got home. But I thought he'd at least eat his treat at school.

Owen told me a couple times he told his teacher, "Hot lunch." I thought nothing of it because a) he didn't hand her money and b) he had a cold lunch in his backpack.

But Thursday when he told me he said, "hot lunch" again I asked him what he had.

Him: A hamburger.

Me: Oh yeah, where'd you get the money for your hot lunch?

Him: This fat lady.

I double checked the menu and it was hamburgers for lunch. But I was still thinking maybe someone was sharing their lunch with him.

Friday I gave him $ to buy hot lunch since he's obviously obsessed with it.

I asked his teacher about him saying hot lunch and she confirmed that he had been eating hot lunch ALL week. Huh? Without money! And the teacher never even brought it up to me! I don't feel too bad cause if she checked his backpack she would've seen that he had brought a lunch. I just thought it was so funny. And she admitted that she was an accomplice cause she never did check so she told me not to worry about paying back for his free lunches.

He wasn't trying to be sneaky he probably just thought he had a choice so he chose hot lunch!


Makenna said...

too funny!!

Jessica said...


brentanderrin said...

i love that kids so much! we cant wait to see you guys for thanksgiving... i know it is still 3 months away... but i am counting down the days... 84 days to go...

Lindsay Riggs said...

That's so funny!

Sara Hollobaugh said...

That is really funny. My mom always did the lunch tickets and I always wished she had packed my lunch. I guess you want what you dont have. I still want what I dont have:)

McDonald Army Brats*** said...

That is hilarious! I pay for all four boys lunches at the same time, the same amount, and some how Colten always runs out of $$ before everyone else! so strange. Then finally I talked to the lunch lady, and Colten was buying extras for all his friends. Seriously! the kids has such a great heart, but come on! Have you met your mom...the tightwad?!