Sunday, March 02, 2008

Just the "Friend"

We tried the suggestion below today in church... BIG improvement. Still not perfect but it's a start. Owen & Drew can make any "quiet" activity loud. I also brought a blank notebook, crayons, and a folder my mom made with pictures of Jesus. The crayons still got a little crazy (Owen would color as hard as he could trying to make the tip "melt"). So ya maybe just a pen would do the trick.

Just the Friend

Jenny H, Alabama “Just the Friend ,” Ensign, Feb. 2008, 74

My children love going to church, but they struggle to sit still in sacrament meeting. Quiet books, coloring books, snacks, and toys never held their attention for long, and they often quarreled over them. I even tried practicing a “reverence time” with them during the week. Nothing seemed to work. Finally, I stopped bringing extra activities in my church bag. Instead, I gathered a collection of past Friend magazines for them to look at after the sacrament. They can each have a pen to write in the magazines. They can also look through the hymnbook or sit quietly. Those are their options. For us, this change simplifies our sacrament meeting experience each week and helps us to focus more on the Savior.

Homepage for the Friend


Aric and Sally said...

Hey Hollobaughs, our kids are so good at church we don't really have to worry about that, but thanks anyway.

Jessica said...

Man I’m with you its tough having little ones at church. I have started a new thing with Alex. If he sits and folds his arms from the beginning of the sacrament pray until he they release them he gets to partake in the sacrament. Today he didn’t get it because he refused to fold his arms and he didn’t get it and he was so mad to. But it worked because when they started the prayer for the water he sat there arms folded and all. So it takes time. Alex isn’t perfect. But I think you guys do a great job!

stephanie said...

this has totally worked for us, too! i've recently started leaving all snacks and crayons at home. now i only bring the friend and some church books. it's wonderful.

Everton Family said...

That is a great idea! I think I'm going to try that next Sunday. My bag is usually over flowing with stuff!!! I sometimes think it makes it more difficult. Excellent tip, thanks Shauna!

Sarah's Nonsense said...

I love the Friend Magazines. And my kids always love getting them in the mail. I'll have try taking them along to church meetings.

Sarah's Nonsense said...

I love the Friend Magazines. And my kids always love getting them in the mail. I'll have try taking them along to church meetings.

Phil and Stacie said...

Tried that too. It didn't go over so well at church with Suzanna (she missed crayons and paper), but now she's obsessed with the friend and I think she's gone throug 2 years of back issues all of a sudden.