Friday, December 14, 2007

dump trucks

My mexican hermano sent me these fotos today of a problemita they had at work. He was quite astonished by this because he dijo that they normally work with such high tech equipment. He said "you should've seen the driver hanging in the air there waving around, he had to open the door and drop out, I couldn't stop laughing" I love my hermano, hes the mejor in the mundo.


Anonymous said...

Man, your hermano sounds awesome!

Lindsay Riggs said...

Is that real??? If so, that would be the trippiest thing for the driver to all of a sudden be in the air!

Cher said...

LOL! I'm dying, how did they both find your password, that is so funny. You have one hilarious family!

McDonald Army Brats*** said...

that is hilarious!