Friday, March 30, 2007

There's A Bofa On My Sofa

Bofa is Dr. Seuss's best made-up word ever. It makes me laugh every time. I'm still on my Dr. Seuss kick. I like reading in rhyme. Can you name the book? According to Owen it's, "There's a pocket in my wocket."

Speaking of rhyme. I used to be a poet and it's your lucky day cause you get to read some of my best work. Even though my poems don't rhyme.

(Dec 15, 1988 5:54 15 seconds)

my dad made them up
he says you cut the hamburger,
into slice that fit a hot dog bun
we're having them for dinner.
I'm not about to eat one.

(Dec 15, 1988 8:00 15 seconds)

It's Bedtime dear
that's what my mom says
Go to sleep honey
that's what my dad says
Everybody's telling me to go to bed
is it that they don't like me?
or are they sick of kids?
Why can't I got to bed when
I'm ready?
8:00's my bedtime,
I think since I'm 9 it should
at least be 8:30 for me
I never liked bedtime
I'll just have to live with it


sara said...

so cute! - I love them. I like the bed time one. It's kinda funny now to have a parent's perspective! hee hee.
I love all your blogs as of late! especially the randomness one and the beach pics!!

brentanderrin said...

i love your blog, i look at it all the time and it makes me want to take more pictures so that i can blog more. i love it. thanks for the inspiration!!!