Thursday, March 01, 2007


It's payday, yay! Payday is usually a good thing. It means money...

It means candy bars...(when I worked at Rural Metro I thought I was funny by buying myself a PayDay every payday from the vending machine in the break room)

But payday also means Justin just passed gas and you better run. His friend that went on his mission to Brazil taught him that "payday" is Portuguese for tooting. I'm sure that's not even true. And if for some reason it is, I'm sure I spelled it wrong. But either way Justin thinks he's quite funny whenever he says it. And I don't! :)


stephanie said...

want to know a secret? i check your blog, too.

your boys are darling.

KatieJ said...

Hmmmm, I will have to ask Sam about that one- he went to Brazil too you know but I haven't heard about payday... Do you remember him trying to point with his lips though? Some things are just not ok when you get back to the states.